North Community Church

Youth and Adult Missions, Marshfield, MA

The mission of the North Community Church Youth Program is to provide a guided journey of inspiration with a focus on three core values: Empathy, Kindness, and Service. We are an ecumenical group with a mission to help young people grow personally and spiritually.

We offer a wide array of opportunities and fun activities at both the middle and high school level, for youth ages 12-19 years old, to develop life skills, build confidence, and make wise decisions while serving those in need.

Youth Mission Trips and coordinated service outings play a pivotal role in developing our youth along this guided journey. Being in the service of others is an amazing growth opportunity and our trips aim to create experiences which broaden perspectives and enables young people to learn about their community and environment.

Get Involved... It truly takes a village!

We are incredibly grateful for the time, talents, and financial support of our teams, sponsors, volunteers, rib-lovers and the Marshfield community-at-large. 

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